Jeev Dayaa Jee Jyot Jagaayo
Sind Hind Khay, Paigaam Sunaayo

Bakraa Vechaaraa, Baakaareen Thaa
Pakhee Vechaaraa, Pukaarin Thaa
Naa Vesar Mein Vadheek Viho
Pasun Pakhiyun Khay, Pyaar Dyo
Jeev Dayaa Jee Jyot Jagaayo

Maas Machhee-a Khaan, Raho Paray
Hinsaa Hind Maan, Kadho Taray
Dukh-a Dard-a Vaaran Jee, Laho Sambhaal
Gugdaam Athav-a, Govind-a Jaa Baal
Jeev Dayaa Jee Jyot Jagaayo

Roz Rehem Laaye, Nihaarin Thaa
Andar Gorhaa, Gaarin Thaa
Nuri Nimaareen, Unhaa-ay Pukaar
Surn Sudkan Sandhee Hee-a Lalkaar
Jeev Dayaa Jee Jyot Jagaayo

JEEV DAYAA JEE JOT JAGAYO (Bhajan Ganga - Page 195)

GUGDAAM GOBIND JAA BAAL (Nuri Granth - Page 899)

DUMB CREATURES ARE THE CHILDREN (Nuri Granth - Vol. II - Page 1904)

Kindle the torch of mercy for all living beings,
And spread his message of mercy, throughout Sind and Hind!

The poor goats cry piteously,
And the poor birds send out their pathetic calls!

Be not lost in forgetfulness, any more,
But give of your love to birds and animals!

Remain away from eating foods of violence,
like meat and fish,
And eradicate such violence completely from India!

Care for the suffering and the oppressed ones:
And remember that, the dumb creatures
are all children of the Lord!

Each day the dumb creatures look for mercy,
And bitterly do they weep within themselves!

Pray answer my prayer, says Nuri Nimani,
And listen to this sobs-filled plaintive cry!